After the appropriate examinations and investigations, a treatment plan then can be advised.

Treatment usually begins with conservative measures that may include simple laxatives, pelvic floor exercises and bio-feedback.

There are various surgical options available for the appropriate patient. Multiple factors are taken into consideration such as severity of symptoms, degree of prolapse, any associated medical problems and other social issues.

In general, the aim of the surgery is to reduce the degree of redundant rectum from falling down below the anal sphincter. There are two main approaches, either from the top (abdominal approach) or from the bottom (peroneal approach).

In the abdominal approach, the rectum is mobilised and then hitched up with or without mesh. This can be done either via open or laparoscopic approach.

In the peroneal approach, the redundant rectal mucosa or full thickness of the rectum is removed via the anus.